The Fractal Music Generator
This algorithmic music generator starts with a single number sequence, translates the numbers into musical scales (ex, 1 = C), alters the sequence in subtle / basic ways (speed, altering the loop length, transposing in scale, etc.), then layers up to 8 of these sequences together, to create a full, musical, composition. The resulting music is reflective of the single sequence at it's core, often creating classical-sounding, canonical patterns.
When a fractal number sequence is used as the seed, the musical results seems to tumble and flow endlessly, beautifully mirroring the mathematical DNA at its core. When a random integer sequence is input, the results echo the chaotic nature of the input pattern, creating a less coherent musical image, and a more jumbled, confusing listening experience (though sometimes these results are pleasing, too). Of course, non-fractal integer sequences can be used, and users are free to experiment by changing the sequence or the track settings. Dialing in a good sequence with the right settings can be both challenging and satisfying!
Sequences are limited to 32 numbers, ranging from 1 - 16 (representing 2 octaves of musical scales). The tracks output both MIDI and synthesized audio. For best audio results, modern MIDI instruments can be used, just as one would produce any contemporary electronic music. The synthesizer sounds that play online are mainly for demonstration purposes. The interesting part of this musical art project is not the quality of the sound per se, but quality of the orchestration and how it seems to miraculously unfold from a single number sequence. I continue to be surprised and delighted by the music that can be discovered this way. I hope you will be too!